The Role of Excel

Many software vendors and consultants believe Excel is the boogeyman. They either don’t use it to its full potential or eliminate it.


We feel that Excel has had and should continue to have a critical place within a business toolset. Excel is more than just a productivity tool; it serves as a common data language across the enterprise. Choose the metaphor you like: Excel is the Swiss army knife or the jack-of-all-trades of the business world. We have successfully deployed Excel at our clients in each of the following areas:

  1. Conduct a deep dive root cause analysis with a quick turnaround
  2. Prototype data storage, transform, and load processes
  3. Model presentation layer through visualizations and dashboards
  4. Serve as master data source for small, non-enterprise solutions with a clear data source
  5. Analyze master data complexity and accuracy

Some limitations, such as limited data volume, human error, and lack of security, may drive businesses away from using Excel for specific functions. However, the easy-to-learn tool enables users to find the answers they need, support operations, and allow precious IT resources to spend time on other opportunities.

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The Clear iQ Process

First, we help you gain strategic insight by starting with two simple questions:
  1. What problem are you trying to solve?
  2. What information do we need in order to solve it?
Next, we identify the information you need to make critical decisions.
  1. Where you’re winning and losing with products and channels
  2. Your change agents, accountability mechanisms, and ultimately, the path to best solve your problem
Next, we help you influence and align your organization.
  1. Identify what needs to be changed
  2. Prioritize those changes
  3. Build a roadmap of the resources and accountability needed to drive real adoption
Finally, we empower you to manage change and growth.
  1. We have a knack for gaining adoption from the shop floor to the c-suite
  2. While we strive to be part of your team, our goal is to get in, make it happen, and get out

The Clear iQ Process

Click through the steps below to learn more about how we work with you to solve the right problems.

First, we help you gain strategic insight by starting with two simple questions:

  1. What problem are you trying to solve?
  2. What information do we need in order to solve it?

Next, we identify the information you need to make critical decisions.

  • Where you’re winning and losing with products and channels
  • Your change agents, accountability mechanisms, and ultimately, the path to best solve your problem

Next, we help you influence and align your organization.

  • Identify what needs to be changed
  • Prioritize those changes
  • Build a roadmap of the resources and accountability needed to drive real adoption

Finally, we empower you to manage change and growth.

  • We have a knack for gaining adoption from the shop floor to the c-suite
  • While we strive to be part of your team, our goal is to get in, make it happen, and get out

Identify your real business challenges with a half-day Clear iQ Workshop.

enterprise business consulting