Case Studies

The reality is, your business is unique… but your problems aren’t.

The problems you face—complex sales channels, competing stakeholder interests, price optimization, digital transformation—those problems are industry agnostic.

It’s not your organization’s problems that make you unique. It’s your company’s  dynamics, its processes, and its politics. And if you’re trying to drive organizational change, you’re going to need a consultant who understands how to influence people.

And frankly, that’s what we’re best at.

Project Briefs

We Know Your Industry

The Clear iQ A-Team finds creative solutions to solve the right problems for mid-market to Fortune 50 companies. We bring an unmatched depth of experience in a range of B2B industries, with special expertise in lighting and the building trades.
Clear iQ had the creative vision and strategic mindset at a level that I haven’t seen before.
They don’t fall into the typical consultant mode where they’d present, hand-off, and run away, leaving the client team with people who might not know how to deploy.
We couldn’t have selected a better vendor, lifelong business partner, mentor, and coach.

Why Clear iQ?

We’ll work with you to solve the right problem - not the first problem.

We balance between long-term stability and short-term agility.

We help you deal in facts and data—not anecdotes or politics.

Identify your real business challenges with a half-day Clear iQ Workshop.

enterprise business consulting